Web design is often overlooked by business owners. They pour all of their money into things like advertising and market research, but they’re surprised when customers reject their company because of an unattractive or hard-to-navigate website. If you’ve fallen into this trap, here are just six tips for revitalizing your web presence with improved site design.

ecommerce website design

1. Improve the Picture Quality

Nothing on your website should look stretched, cropped or pixelated. All images should be high-res and crystal clear. Even the most amazing store in the world will look unprofessional if its pictures are lacking, so make good graphics a priority for your business.

2. Know Your Navigational Options

There are several different ways to organize your site, including sidebars or horizontal drop-down menus. The best option for your store will depend on things like your overall aesthetic and the number of products that you have to showcase.

3. Use a Top-to-Bottom Script

Design your website so it begins loading from the top of the page and then cascades down. This will prevent customer frustration when image-heavy pages take a few extra seconds to load; they’ll be so busy reading the top of the screen that they won’t even notice the bottom is still coming to life.

4. Format Your Text

Since the average consumer spends just a few seconds checking out a new webpage, it’s important that your text is easy to read. Forget about long paragraphs and “walls” of words. Use things like headings, subheadings and bullet points to make your text streamlined for skimming.

5. Keep Them Clicking

Every product should come with links that prompt the user to “view related items” or “see more color options.” Not only will this keep your customers engaged, but it will also lend credence to your store as an authority in whatever product you’re selling.

6. Integrate Social Media

Don’t just link your social media accounts at the bottom of the screen. Include buttons for people to reblog their favorite items; prompt users to “like” you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter; offer special incentives if they share things on their own accounts.

These are just a few ways to improve your ecommerce website design. For additional assistance, try reaching out to web design specialists. They can help you get your business off the ground in a stylish and profitable way.