Many people can easily fall on hard times. Luckily, help is available if you are an American citizen in need. These services may come from the federal level, state level, or city level. For example, if you make a certain income, you may be eligible for food benefits such as Snap. Snap stands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

the lifeline phone program

Based on your income or age, you may be eligible for Medicaid. Medicaid is both a state and federal insurance program to ensure proper medical care for those who can’t afford regular insurance.

Some states have housing assistance programs, while some may provide assistance to help you pay utility bills. United States veterans are also eligible for mortgages that don’t require down payments. Veterans should also go to the VA to make sure they get free or discounted medical and dental benefits.

If you are not sure what services you may qualify for, it is best to check at your state level first. For example, if you live in Oklahoma, you can qualify for the lifeline phone program Oklahoma-based. This type of program provides free cell phone service to those who qualify. Other states such as Alaska, Arkansas, and more provide services to ensure those below the poverty level have access to personal cell service.
